Mar 13, 2009

SICK propbet

Email to a friend

I was surfing the web today and found totally sick poker proposition bet. The guy claims he can turn $100 into $10000 in just 15 days. But details of a propbet are even more fascinating, I will simply quote them:

Rules for 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days
  1. I have 15 days from starting point meaning 360 hour. Starting point will be 3rd March 1:00 p.m. Central european time. So it will end 18th March 12:59 p.m.
  2. I can only play Sngs with a maximum buy in of 16$
  3. 180man or 90man do not count
  4. If I go broke at any point I lost the bet
  5. Profit only, Rakeback and Bonus, player transfers or BoP cashes do not count
He was accepting 3:1 bets. In other words, if you think he not gonna make it, you can bet $300 to win $100. As far as I understood he got $30 000 of action.

Today is Day 10 since the whole thing has started. Here is the last graph:

Tell me this is not SICK! 5500 18/45 man SNGs in 10 days ! 550 SNG's per day/55 tabling 10+ hours per day. Now, isn't he a Terminator? At least some sort of an alien :)

It is very interesting to follow, since he has 5 days left to win another $4500 !
You can watch him on a live webcam here (how come he isn't melted yet?)

Other links:
Official propbet thread

Official blog


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